We presume that the FLP is characterized by moral solidarity, which is to be understood here to mean responding to the moral needs of other people by means of sympathetic understanding. In the light of the different FLP ‘subcultures’ embedded within the local framework of the respective branches, we examine moral solidarity as a unifying element of the forum’s divisions. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and literary analysis, this article analyses the Forum Lingkar Pena ( FLP), the largest transnational writers’ collective for Muslim readers, writers, and publishers in Indonesia. Halaman: 147 Halaman.īrillXGgr3QKqH_Qd9wROk5Ycs3OL.x-brill-live-02Mozilla/4.0 (compatible MSIE 6. Sardjono Penerbit: IndonesiaTera Tanggal Terbit: 2001 ISBN-13: 162 Jml. Bahasa Dan Bonafiditas Hantu Pengarang: Agus R. Full-text paper (pdf): ekranisasi novel surga yang tak dirindukan karya asma nadia ke film surga yang tak dirindukan karya sutradara kuntz agus.